+91 372 15 06

Become a member

Create an opportunity, you decide

Isabel, Juan, Elena, Joaquín… are already part of Norte Joven. Would you like to join us?

If you join the Norte Joven Association as a member-collaborator you will be helping to create a second chance for a disadvantaged young person.
You can become a member-collaborator for a minimum fee of EUR 30 per year, or the amount you decide.

Fill out our application form.
Thank you very much for your collaboration.

Personal donations made as of 2016 are deductible, within the limits established by Spanish Act 49/2002, which allows a 75% deduction from Personal Income Tax to apply to the first EUR 150 donated by individuals. A deduction of 30% will apply to any donations made above that amount, or 35% in the case of regular donations made during at least three years to the same entity, for the same or a greater amount.

    Declaro conocer los fines de la entidad, aceptar sus Estatutos Sociales y
    colaborar con la cantidad indicada