+91 372 15 06

Socio-occupational integration programmes

Learning, knowledge and skills

The aim of the socio-occupational integration programmes is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to find a job and integrate in society.

It is a comprehensive and personalised long-term training programme (12-18 months, depending on the participant’s needs and starting point).

To achieve this, we develop a set of actions that combine learning a trade (vocational training), basic instrumental knowledge and training for personal and social development, seeking at all times that the participants themselves be the main agents of their change. 

Thanks to the participation of volunteers, we work in small groups, which facilitates learning and the shaping of skills, while seeing to the participants’ individual needs, always under the supervision of and coordinated by Norte Joven professionals. 

Vocational training

Vocational training workshops are offered in:





Serving (wait staff)

Basic Cultural Instruction

The young people who come to Norte Joven have interrupted their academic education. This puts them at a cultural disadvantage compared to other adolescents and hinders both their integration in society, as well as their chances of accessing the labour market.

We are faced with a dual challenge: to motivate those who have had negative learning experiences and to create in them the desire to learn and to excel. To do this, we develop programmes and teaching materials specifically adapted to the difficulties and interests of the participants receiving instruction at our centres.

Every week, the students at the three centres are taught classes in key subjects such as Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, English and Computer Science.

Our centres are authorised to offer secondary education for adults. 

ur centres are part of the network of Adult Education Centres (Centros de Educación de Personas Adultas (CEPA)) authorised by the Region of Madrid to provide Basic Education for adults. As part of CEPA, we offer formal education aimed towards students obtaining their compulsory secondary education completion certificate.

Personal and Social Development

It begins with instruction on general social skills, which we understand are essential for the participants to interact properly with the people around them and increase their self-esteem; the training later focuses on applying these teachings to the process of accessing the job market.

The programme was designed by Norte Joven professionals and was one of the three Spanish projects selected in 2002 in Luxembourg by the European Commission’s Directorate General V for Public Health and Safety at Work.

Participants also complete modules teaching them about values and health education, in order to acquire skills and encourage healthy attitudes and habits. Taking into account the participants’ identified needs, the educational team designs and develops other activities such as monographic modules, taught by corporate volunteers to complete the training curriculum.

And, lastly, we organise various complementary leisure and free time activities. 

Taller capacitación habilidades sociales


Taller capacitación formación y orientación laboral


Taller capacitación educación para la salud


Taller capacitación educación en valores


Taller capacitación formación monográfica


Taller capacitación educación para la salud