+91 372 15 06

Basic vocational training

(Antigua FP Básica)

Del 23 junio al 30 junio 2022 (ambos inclusive)

Plazo de presentación de SOLICITUDES de ADMISIÓN en Ciclo Formativo de Grado Básico

Vocations: “Commercial Services” and “Cooking and Serving” 

Plazo de presentación de solicitudes de matrícula cerrado


Para más información o consultas, puede contactar con nosotros en:

SECRETARÍA Ciclo Formativo de Grado Básico Norte Joven (antigua FP Básica)

Horario: 09:30-13:30 horas.


Teléfono FP Básica Norte Joven  Phone: 91 734 23 98

Whatsapp FP Básica Norte Joven Whatsapp: 682 899 152

El Centro Norte Joven Fuencarral lleva adelante un Plan Digital de Centro tal como lo estipula la Consejería de Educación de Madrid a partir de septiembre de 2022.

Más info sobre el proceso de presentación de solicitudes de admisión para el curso 2022-2023.

Formación profesional básica - hostelería
Formación profesional básica - servicios comerciales

Vocations: “Commercial Services” and “Cooking and Serving”

Basic Vocational Training

At Norte Joven we have been teaching, since 2015, Basic Vocational Training programmes in the fields of: Commercial Services and Cooking and Serving.

Vocational Training (Formación Profesional) is a training programme that enables participants to work in a trade as a qualified tradesperson and which includes an internship in a real work environment. Of the three levels of training, Norte Joven’s Fuencarral Centre offers the Basic Vocational Training cycle. 

The two courses offered in each of the specialised fields for each programme’s training cycle, established as vocational training in the education system (Madrid Regional Department of Education and co-financed by the European Social Fund Operational Programme 2014-2020), are open to young people who meet the following requirements:

  • Are fifteen years old or are turning fifteen during the programme year. And are not more than seventeen years old during the year when the course begins.
  • Have completed their first year of ESO (compulsory secondary education) and, exceptionally, have completed their second year of ESO.
  • Have been proposed as a candidate by the teaching team, to the student’s father, mother or legal guardians, to enrol in a Basic Vocational Training cycle.

The objective is to combine the training and preparation of youth for the activities involved in a specific vocation and for them to complete their compulsory education, thus improving their job opportunities. They are also encouraged to complete this vocational training for employment and to continue on to the next level within the programme (Grado Medio or intermediate level qualification). These programmes also include training for personal and social development.

They include an internship of 160 hours working in a business.

More info about the application process for the 2021-2022 academic year